武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿会所 "Xianger Niang hopes to protect your generation’s peace and joy, but I also know that I won’t live until then. Now I’m trying to let go. I also believe that I can take care of myself.

"Xianger Niang hopes to protect your generation’s peace and joy, but I also know that I won’t live until then. Now I’m trying to let go. I also believe that I can take care of myself.

Do whatever you want! "
Guo Xiang choked up and didn’t say anything. She nestled quietly in Huang Rong’s arms. Ai Jiao was attached to her mother’s arms like a little girl. Her eyes were full of water, but she refused to fall.
Parents and relatives let go, but Guo Xiang didn’t know what to do, and she didn’t know what she really wanted to do. Maybe at first she simply wanted to resist what they wouldn’t let her do, so she just had to do something.
Life will always be confused and at a loss from time to time. When you want to be white, others are really white, such as helping, saying.
Chapter 519 Chapter 519
This is the first time for Guo Xiang to spend the New Year outside, and it is also the first time for Qin Ge to spend the New Year with a girl he loves. It is a reunion festival, but there are two of them in this cave. At this moment, their hearts are pulled very close.
There are still snowflakes floating in the sky outside, and everything around is quiet and quiet. It seems that heaven and earth are lonely and lonely at this time.
They were baking a fire in the cave, sitting side by side and getting close to each other, talking to each other to comfort the special feelings on this special festival.
"Qin Ge I have been in Xiangyang since I was born. I have never been to my parents, sisters and brothers-in-law. They are very kind to me, and they are almost indifferent, but I have a feeling that I want to escape. I yearn for rivers and lakes, but the real rivers and lakes are different from my imagination.
Especially these days, I have seen too much, and I feel too much about what is cruel and sad fate, and I know how happy I am compared with those who suffer misfortune. "
Guo Xiang bowed her head and lowered her eyes, holding a dead branch in her hand and fiddling with the fire in front of her eyes. Her voice seemed dull, but it could not hide her feelings.
For Qin Ge, when they first met, she was no different from other girls who followed him enthusiastically, just as naive and simple and lovely.
However, Qin Ge gradually discovered that Guo Xiang had her intelligence and determination, her delicacy and sensitivity, her empathy with others, her passion in her youth, and her hope to walk the rivers and lakes and do heroic deeds.
She has his deja vu, and when she is young, she can feel his frustration and struggle. Her elegant and beautiful face touches his heartstrings.
It was as if a stone had been thrown into his calm lake, and ripples rippled around it, making him restless for a long time, as if they had never been apart since his heart moved.
Qin Ge wanted to control his heart, but he didn’t think that instead of controlling himself, he became more and more mired in the law.
In the past, Qin Ge root never thought that he would love a girl younger than him, but there is no reason for love and no age.
When he came back from the battlefield and untied his heart, he took the initiative to admit defeat.
That’s why he wants to stay in Xiangyang, because it’s her home where he can feel calm and warm. When she chooses to leave Xiangyang, she stays with her. When his mind is affected by a person, that person’s every move, even a slight emotional change, can’t hide it from his eyes.
Guo Xiang has become mature. Although she still has the innocence and innocence of a little girl, she has been able to look at the world in a more peaceful way instead of the original extreme and stubborn idea.
"Don’t think too much about it, Xianger. You are already very good. You are growing up in a more mature eye but look at the world and things, aren’t you? You need to be upset when you need to lose, and you will become better and better. "
This is not Qin Ge’s deceptive words, but he really thinks so.
In fact, Qin Ge can feel that Guo Xiang has changed a lot, and she also feels that his body has changed greatly.
At first, he was perfect, warm, gentle and polite to the world, but then he was indifferent and world-weary, drunk and gambling all day, as if there was nothing else in this world worthy of his concern.
But she knew that there was still a flame in his heart, and his blood was still waiting for the day to boil again.
Qin Ge changed after Xiangyang War. He stopped drinking and gambling, and the two things he liked best in the past were meaningless.
He is no longer a former Qin song. He has found his own boiling blood. He can have enough courage and courage to face everything without relying on red scarves.
When he faced her, he was still gentle, but he didn’t pretend to lose that kind of coldness and alienation in his bones, which was more sincere and touching.
This time, Guo Xiang felt a kind of strength from Qin Ge. At first, she fantasized that she could draw a kind of strength from him, free and easy, unrestrained blood, courage and invincible courage.
They are all changing and getting better than before. Although they don’t express their feelings to each other, they are no longer so uneasy and entangled. They can face and get along with each other openly. They can understand each other freely. Although they are not two of a kind at the moment, they are also bosom friends.
Thinking about thinking about Guo Xiang suddenly smiled, which was a wry smile and disappointment and regret for himself.
"In fact, I didn’t understand from a long time ago why my father always wanted to stay in Xiangyang to prevent the Mongolian army from attacking again. What I can do is to resist this when the enemy attacked for a short period of peace and peace.
I didn’t go to the battlefield, and I didn’t understand at that time. Their idea was that they felt tired after watching it many times, but they persisted for so long.
I can’t know, but isn’t that stupid?
I thought that since I can’t do it, I might as well give up. Why must I continue to insist?
But I haven’t told anyone, even my parents. I don’t want others to think that I am a deserter, even if I don’t agree with them. "
She spoke in a low voice, and anyone could hear from her tone how disappointed she was at that time.
Qin Ge didn’t speak, but looked at her quietly and waited for her to finish the rest.
His eyes are very bright, as if they are full of stars to confuse people, and at the same time, they can give each other a kind of strength. When Guo Xiang looked up, he saw those eyes and suddenly gave birth to a courage to continue to say what he had not said in his heart.

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