武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶 Carter and Li Cheng showed an offensive desire. I hope that the fans who are watching this game are shocked because they are lucky enough to see another wonderful game.

Carter and Li Cheng showed an offensive desire. I hope that the fans who are watching this game are shocked because they are lucky enough to see another wonderful game.

There are several fans watching this Chinese Derby in China. Many of them are watching Li Cheng and Yi Jianlian compete together, but do they want to see a superstar summit? And it’s also a showdown between the old and the newly rising stars. Perhaps this is a historic legacy.
"I just thought you would jump to an alien!" Li Cheng quipped
Carter said, "I can’t fly, I’m getting old." There is a deep regret in his voice, perhaps because he hasn’t got his hands on a championship in his career!
Sung Jae Lee sighed in his heart how many veteran champions in this league have been chasing for a lifetime, but in the end they still managed to get the championship ring that represents the peak of world basketball.
A few years later, Carter McGrady’s conversation may really explain the loneliness in their hearts!
"If you hadn’t left, maybe our pair would have been like Jordan Pippen," Carter told McGrady.
McGrady was silent and Carter added, "Even if I’m Pippen … I can do it!"
Now Carter is at the end of his peak, and he hasn’t reached the final stage of decline, but now he can see a little clue. Carter’s dunks are far less domineering than before, and his dunks have also decreased significantly.
"Let’s give it a go today!" Carter shook his head and left all his regrets and decline to Taitai.
Li cheng laughed. "Then come on! Let go of the war today! "
Out of respect for Carter, Li Cheng waved away Ibaka, who was coming to fend for him. "You go, I want to be one-on-one with him."
Ibaka turned around and ran directly to the outside line. Since Li Cheng wanted to play singles, he helped Li Cheng to pull the attack.
The Lopez brothers are wrestling. Yi Jianlian followed Ibaka to the outside line. Li Cheng glanced at the form of the field. He broke through, but he pulled it up directly and finished a shot.
Li Cheng stretched his body so close at hand that Carter sighed, "The movement is really beautiful."
Then "shh!" First, Li Chengdao is "beautiful and murderous!"
"What a pitfalls limit" Carter laughed.
Then Carter ran away from the wild horse and killed Li Cheng. He had some intention of flying Li Cheng. Li Cheng didn’t flinch in the face of Carter’s fierce attack. He took a step forward
However, this small step seems to be nothing. Carter rushed past Li Cheng with a stuffy hum.
"It’s so fast and competitive …" Li Cheng could also watch Carter rush to the basket and little Lopez wanted to push it out at this moment, but he was pushed against the basket by big Lopez. The two brothers were quite powerful for a while, but the pacers were entangled in defending little Lopez. In an instant, Carter had rushed to the basket, Ibaka jumped up and blocked Carter’s old waist, twisted it and threw the ball to the basket with a stuffy hum.
A defender getting old means that he is not fast enough to jump, but it also means that he is unusually experienced.
Hiding from Ibaka Carter, he threw the ball into the basket lightly.
If it had been five years ago, would it have been another headline-grabbing dunk?
Maybe it is really possible!
"I will be a button!" Li Cheng said indifferently
Carter was stunned and then said, "Are you still 24 years? But to tell you the truth, even if it’s 24 years, I may not be able to separate the small body and the small body. Africans are also very strong, you know … "
Actually, Carter’s sentence means that Africans have too good physical fitness, but Li Cheng doesn’t know what but thinks wrong. "This guy likes African girls? This taste is a bit special! "
Although there are some amazing beauties in Africa, those amazing beauties are all mixed-race, of African descent and definitely not authentic Africans.
Just after the game, Li Cheng and Carter both felt very hot, and their confrontation with Biao also made the atmosphere very warm. However, they also had bad feelings. Li Cheng’s hit rate has always been very impressive, and Carter could not maintain such a high hit rate.
Carter has been a little tired of playing several times in a row, and Li Cheng has slowed down his personal attack rhythm and created opportunities for his teammates.
Li Cheng and Carter set a very good tone for this game. This game has such a wonderful game, and then the players will never interpret it badly.
At this time, the Lopez brothers have been wrestling in the basket, and their first contest has yet to be continued.
Chapter 22 One Wear Two
This time, the Nets attacked Harris and hung the ball directly to the big line Lopez.
Seeing his brother holding the ball, Lopez Jr. was 100% energetic and ready to defend.
"This starting opportunity was won by the captain for me. I must not let the captain down. I must not …" Little Lopez secretly swore in his heart that he also resisted the big Lopez’s knee and wouldn’t let him turn around.
Big Lopez, who has been honed in the league for a year, is no longer the man his younger brother is familiar with. After taking the ball, he made a turn to the basket and faked it. Little Lopez immediately withdrew his right foot to prepare to enrich the big Lopez basket.
However, after a false move, the big Lopez horse changed his turning direction. He turned around and threw the ball with a little backward.
If little Lopez hadn’t withdrawn his supporting foot just now, he should have come to cover his brother’s shot, but he was cheated by his brother’s fake action.
These two brothers have very strong personalities. In addition to playing ball, Lopez likes to write at home. If he doesn’t play ball, he can support himself by writing. I don’t know how this guy perfectly combines this quiet hobby of playing ball with this intense sport.
There was no communication between the two of them, but little Lopez couldn’t escape his brother’s eyes with a little loneliness on his face.
Big Lopez thought about releasing water for a while, but his strong professional makeup prevented him from making this decision.
"Robin has his own master. I’m sorry!" Big Lopez thought to himself
Although little Lopez has a wild explosive head, his personality is very convergent. After the game, he didn’t say a word to his brother. He was a little nervous and felt great pressure.
"I must guard against his brother once, and I won’t give you another chance," little Lopez thought to himself.
The offensive and defensive transposition walker continued to attack. Lopez knew that his offensive level was that he didn’t take the initiative to ask for the ball and beat Lopez. He was desperately stuck in the basket and was ready to break through the cover and rebound for his teammates.
Li Cheng and Carter are intertwined. Carter’s defensive attitude is different in this game. Obviously, Carter is very serious today.
Generally speaking, Li Cheng is attacking a lot with the ball running. If the team didn’t need him to score, he wouldn’t start the singles mode, which would give his teammates more opportunities and make himself more labor-saving.
Li Cheng slipped around Carter and then he reached out for the ball. At this moment, Yi Jianlian came from the side to block it. Yi Jianlian knew Li Cheng very well. He knew exactly how horrible Li Chengqiu was running.
When Sung Jae Lee plays the ball, his running can be "unpredictable", so you never know when he will suddenly change his running rhythm and direction.
After Yi Jianlian blocked it, Granger went to the line. Ibaka blocked Bobby Simmons Granger and ran directly to the reasonable collision zone. The Pacers’ tactical position was very fast. Once Carter lost his position and a player came to defend Li Cheng, the Pacers seized the opponent’s loophole.
Carter ran to the basket to defend Granger, and then Ford swayed Harris on the flank and found the right time to throw the ball directly to Li Cheng.
Li Cheng’s one-on-one singles Yi Jianlian
Seeing this scene, China fans are a little excited. They note that the main purpose of this game is to watch Li Cheng and Yi Jianlian collide. Because they are in different positions, there are few counterpoint opportunities in the whole game. It is only after the pick-and-roll that Yi Jianlian is misplaced that Li Cheng can have a face-to-face collision opportunity.
Li Cheng smiled and made a fake shot. Yi Jianlian didn’t know Li Cheng very well. Yi Jianlian knows his skills very well, but sometimes you can’t stop it if you know it.
Li Cheng took a backward step and then he dribbled the basketball quickly in his hand, and Yi Jianlian couldn’t keep pace with Li Cheng.
Li Cheng, Yi Jianlian and Granger took Carter to the middle of the right flank on the left flank, but the walkers hardly had a chance to attack the middle subgrade. This time, the pacers can rely on Li Cheng to achieve success.
The Lopez brothers are still wrestling in the basket, and Li Cheng has completely shaken Yi Jianlian.
Li Chengxian made a move to the low position. Yi Jianlian Li Cheng will go to the low position for singles. He moved forward to the low position. Because Li Cheng ran to the middle subgrade, he could shoot, and Yi Jianlian knew Li Cheng’s shooting very well. Of course, Yi Jianlian would not recognize that Li Cheng would choose his own familiar routine. You know, Yi Jianlian is also very unfamiliar with Li Cheng’s low position singles.
Yi Jianlian made this judgment after thinking, but Li Cheng did not go to the low position. He took a backward step and then slipped to the middle.
Yi Jianlian lost his position and Lopez came out to make up the defense. At this time, Yi Jianlian also ran to the front of Lopez to defend the ball route of Li Cheng and Lopez.
Li Cheng smiled. He had a direct shot, but he didn’t choose to shoot. He threw the ball to the ground sideways and the basketball passed through the crotch of big Lopez Yi Jianlian.
Seeing this scene, the fans were boiling and the commentator cheered "performance time!" Show time! Li Cheng’s wonderful ball is great. "
"A crisp and neat crotch passed through two players at one time!"
As the commentator roared, Lopez Jr. received the basketball, and the basket behind him didn’t even have a personal shadow. If he couldn’t grasp his base this time, he could directly apply for the position of water dispenser watchman.
Little Lopez turned directly to face the basket, and he smashed the ball into the basket with both hands.
Then little Lopez excitedly ran over and hugged Li Cheng. He knew that Li Cheng had a shot just now, but Li Cheng didn’t. Obviously, Li Cheng gave him this attack opportunity.

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