武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶论坛 "Whew!" A peanut was shot again and went straight through the throat. The man fell to the ground on the spot.

"Whew!" A peanut was shot again and went straight through the throat. The man fell to the ground on the spot.

"Why let him go so easily?" Purple surprised eyes looked at the sky foam.
Xingtianmo smiled coldly and remained silent.
"Moer, you are terrible like that." Yue Xuan Yi hugged Xingtianmo from behind and whispered in Xingtianmo’s ear … The scene of Xingtianmo killing people without batting an eye could not be waved in his mind.
"Come on, don’t be ambiguous. Why will Mo Er join Lengyou? You can quit, right?" Star LengYu interrupted with a frown.
"Not because I am a guardian", except for the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple accident, everyone was shocked!
"Guardian …" Star Lengyu’s face changed and he couldn’t believe it.
The so-called guardian is a mysterious curse. When you are a guardian of someone, you have to protect that person for a generation. Once that person dies, the guardian will die with him. When you become a guardian, you must drink that person’s blood. When you break the promise of guarding, the five internal organs will feel unbearable pain and then die! And once a guardian has made a guardian oath, there is no way to break it … No one dares to be a guardian easily. Who promises to be a generation?
"Moer, you!" Xing Lengyu, this is a thorough method to calm down.
Xingtianmo understood their surprise, but she didn’t regret her silence.
The back is getting more and more exciting. Don’t miss it ~ ~
63 mysterious beauty (1)
[Chapter 65 has been revised and supplemented. You can look back at it.]
"A long time ago, what would happen if we loved to go? The last time we believed in eternity …"
A bell rang from Xingtianmo’s room at nine o’clock in the morning on time … but this should be attributed to the other person …
"It’s still so annoying to go to France this autumn and purple, and wake us up every day on time for a month …" Yue Xuan Yi’s dissatisfied voice remembered that she was not breathing evenly.
On the other hand, this purple is really conscientious. Xingtianmo has sent her and Lan to France for execution, and she still pesters Xingtianmo to call her up at nine o’clock in the morning on time every day …
Doesn’t she know how to cherish her time with Lan?
"MoEr! Get up! " I’ve heard a sentence every morning for a month.
"Oh, hang up!" Xingtianmo skillfully wants to hang up after hearing this sentence.
"Wait!" The other end exclaimed.
"Why …" Xingtian foam is a little impatient.
"Lan and I are going back today. Come and meet us at the airport this afternoon!" A coquetry voice came.
"Well … a month has passed … but! How old are you? Do you need someone to pick you up? " Star day foam language asks.
"Good MoEr …" A dia no sound.
Xingtianmo hasn’t heard a lazy sound yet. It’s blue from the other end of the sentence.
"Violet finally came to France, so why are you in such a hurry to go back? It’s really …" The voice did not fall. "Don’t you go back and stay alone!"
If the mouth twitches blue, I will silently mourn.
"All right, all right, the eardrum will burst early in the morning, and I will pick you up." I touched my forehead in the morning.
"Well, that’s good." After listening to Violet’s words, several black lines fell in order. She is a "cold and secluded" Wang who could be so embarrassed …
As soon as I hung up, I was turned away, and my lips quickly covered with hunger. My face turned red and I slowly responded … It seems that kissing every morning has become a habit.
After leaving the room, I saw two busy figures in the restaurant, and the corners of her mouth were secretly evil.
"Brother, when did you become so hard-working? If you are hard-working, forget it. Why do you pull people red …" Xing Tianmo blinked and called to the restaurant for two people to stay immediately.
"No, I just got up and saw your brother busy helping me, by the way," Hong said hesitantly.
"I suddenly white purple son say a word …" Star day foam deliberately paused.
"What words?" Red asked curiously.
"There is no humanity in the opposite sex!" Say that finish day foam turned and left two silly people …
Don’t miss it. Give Zhuxi a little motivation!
64 mysterious beauty ()
"Yi, I’m going to pick up Violet and Lan. Are you going?" After lunch, Xingtianmo asking for the moon Xuanyi.
"No, I have something to do. Go by yourself." Yue Xuanyi wanted to think and answer.
"Oh, thank you" and the two men rushed to the airport at the school gate with her smart silver sports car.
"Cheep …" A harsh car ground friction made a splash, and she got out of the car smartly and finally arrived on time.
Xingtianmo leisurely approached the airport and just saw two people coming, a lazy breath, a noble and unruly, a lovely and elegant purple temperament. Both of them also exuded a light that could not be covered, which easily attracted Xingtianmo’s attention.

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