武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 The instantaneous condensation of fog covered tens of square meters, and the instantaneous contraction of fog turned into a light shield with a diameter of half a meter, and the position of this light shield was also the sharp place of Ji Dong’s kindling sword.

The instantaneous condensation of fog covered tens of square meters, and the instantaneous contraction of fog turned into a light shield with a diameter of half a meter, and the position of this light shield was also the sharp place of Ji Dong’s kindling sword.

Ding, a light ring, Ji Dong rushed forward so rapidly that he came to a screeching halt. He felt as if he had hit a mountain. His hands shook the jaws of death and generate was bleeding at the same time.
Followed by a harsh rupture sounded the condensed yellow light shield crashing and breaking, and the little yellow light flew away, but Excalibur was still swinging out. It’s a pity that Ji Dong’s body momentum has stopped. It can be that he brought up a red light blade and cut it to the top of his head.
With a thud, the huge body of Dragon Zu didn’t even move. Excalibur with a light blade was just a splash of dust above his head, but Ji Dong and Chen Sixuan once again suffered a huge anti-seismic force. The body inverted out. If he hadn’t held the hilt, I’m afraid Vulcan would have flown out without a sword. At this time, Ji Dong had an idea in his heart, which was also a sacred beast. Why is the gap between Dragon Zu Xiu and Chrysanthemum Pig so big?
Long zu twisted his neck, and his huge eyes blinked, which was "a bit interesting"
At this moment, a blue-purple light has risen from the ground and is also flying in the direction of the dragon ancestor giant, accompanied by the high-pitched dragon song, which is Zileiyao Tianlong
There are two people on the back of Zileiyao Tianlong, namely Fury and Ah Kin, who are also the strongest among the heavenly saints except Ji Dong.
Ji Dong was rocked, and Zileiyao Tianlong had been chanting for a long time, in order to attract Longzu’s attention, and then he continued to attack Ji Dong.
Di Longzu’s eyes started from Ji and looked this way. When its Huang Chengcheng eyes fell purple Leiyao Tianlong, a strange scene appeared.
Violet Leiyao Tianlong thunder seemed to be suddenly choked by the throat, like a dragon singing to a screeching halt, and then his eyes turned and his wings suddenly softened, and the flying potential directly turned into a falling towards the ground, a free fall.
Frey was surprised. He didn’t know what had happened to Tianlong. He felt that he had been forcibly cut off from it at this moment.
The word "Dragon Ancestor" is not to talk about being diffuseness even before the dragon ancestor. What’s worse, it is an ordinary dragon. Although it is a mutant dragon, it has a ninth order after all. Even before the dragon ancestor of the tenth terrace, it is also a kid. The dragon ancestor’s eyes are full of a powerful dragon. Rowen instantly closed the purple dragon emperor. There is a fixed sea god in the dragon dragon, and the dragon is called a dragon. Before him, it is beaten.
Violet Leiyao Draco falls to Fury, so naturally you can’t sit back and watch. Otherwise, what if Violet Leiyao Draco falls to his death? But Ah Kin doesn’t care if there is Ji Dong and Chen Sixuan’s safety in this set of land. In an instant, she has already rushed straight to the direction of the dragon ancestor with her feet. The eunuch maker released her body in the wind and covered it with perfect streamlined golden armor. It was like a shell crashing into the dragon ancestor.
The dragon ancestor ha ha a smile, and the light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, two yellow lights came out from the dragon’s eyes and went straight to Ah Kin’s body. Seeing that the yellow light was about to collide with Ah Kin’s body, a circle of golden halo was instantly released from Ah Kin’s body. The golden halo seemed to be extremely sharp. The strength of Long Zu’s attack was unexpectedly split instantly, and the two eyes flowed along the sides of Ah Kin’s body and were abruptly cut off. But Ah Kin still went straight to Long Zu’s head and rushed to turn his hands. The eunuch maker’s golden halo spread from his wrist to
"Huh?" Di Longzu once again made a surprise sound. This time, its big head finally moved, and Akin locked it. It also lost the eunuch maker’s peak head collision surface.
A rumbling sound of his voice, Ah Kin, was also a body drama. The eunuch maker flew out of the house and the whole person fell upside down. Blood spilled from her hands and wrists, and it was also shattered.
But her attack was so strong that it was impossible to leave a white mark on Long Zu’s head, but Ah Kin was proud to leave such a mark.
With a tight waist, Ah Kin’s body has stopped rolling. When he turned his head, he just saw Ji Dong’s face. After Ji Dong was shocked, he controlled his body and just came to catch Ah Kin and fell from the sky with him.
On the other side, the axe of Freire Prison has also been chopped to the ground, slowing down the fall of himself and Zileiyao Tianlong with the help of rebound force before falling to the ground and making a huge noise.
Ji Dong carried Chen Sixuan’s hand and took Ah Kin from the sky at a rapid speed, and the saints all gathered at once to Frey’s side. Everyone gathered their magic and stood ready to respond.
It’s terrible that the dragon ancestors showed their strength. This is something they have never encountered, such as Ji Dong and Ah Kin. The attack with artifact force also hurt it. The saints all know that the strength of everyone in the existing system is just like the fight against chrysanthemum pigs. Although it seems that the dragon ancestors have no malice, it is simply an easy thing to kill everyone because it is so powerful.
But to their surprise, the dragon ancestor didn’t attack further until Ji Dong took Chen Sixuan and Ah Kin to the ground, and they still didn’t attack. When they looked up at it, they found that Huang Chengcheng’s big eyes were completely dull, staring at the nose in front of them, constantly stirring up what seemed to smell seriously, and his body trembled slightly. Every time he trembled, some dust shook off from his body.
What happened to it? Ji Dong looked puzzled at Ah Kin.
Ah Kin naturally shook his head resolutely. "I can’t break through the attack root, but it’s too strong. Unless it’s all of us’ strength, and then we can destroy it with your Vulcan Excalibur, maybe there’s still a chance. The cat said yes, it really should be the first person in the God class. I don’t know who is more powerful to it if it’s the dark cat."
While Ah Kin was talking, Long Zu suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth with his mouth closed. The super maw seemed to be able to devour heaven and earth, followed by a sudden release of Long Yin from its mouth.
The huge waves made the whole Sanhe Mountain tremble violently. It was close to it, and the saints almost covered their ears with knowledge. They watched that the terrorist wave was destroying all kinds of plants around them, and the twisted waves were constantly released from the top of the dragon ancestors.
Ji Dong’s face changed greatly and became extremely difficult to see. Naturally, he has the strongest soul force in the crowd. He can clearly feel that the earth-shaking roar of the dragon ancestor contains extremely complicated emotional fluctuations, which means that the mood of this super sacred beast is extremely unstable now, and the sound alone is already so terrible. What if it tries to launch an attack?
When the sky turns dark, white, gold and blue respectively represent the extreme Geng Jin, the extreme Wu Tu and the extreme Ren Shui color, and the sky blue forms a huge disk, and these three attribute elements are left in the air, as if his attributes have been completely dispersed.
The word magic domain appears at the same time. In the minds of the heavenly saints, earthworm rent actually releases its own magic domain in the long chanting of heaven. What is it going to do? It seems that the power it blooms at this moment can destroy the whole Sanhe Mountain in a moment.
All the lumbricus in the range of Sanhe Mountain did not crawl and trembled violently at this moment. Rowen, the dragon ancestor, swept the whole Sanhe Mountain and even the core Dragon Valley.
Ji Dong took a deep breath. At this time, he knew that he could no longer hesitate. Otherwise, it is likely that the dragon ancestors will be able to annihilate their army with one blow.
Hold Chen Sixuan’s hand tightly, and the soul of the two men will be further coordinated. The soul has been hammered together for a moment and communicated with the partners, including Fury and the cat. His thoughts have also entered the minds of the partners at the same time.
"I don’t know what happened, which triggered the emotional instability of Di Longzu. The only way for us to survive now is that the five elements are mutually generated. Senior martial brother, no matter what happens, we have to rely on you and the cat. We have to protect me and complete the circular array with everyone. Everyone opens their own soul world without any conflict."
At the same time, Ji Dong’s soul force has rushed to the soul world without hesitation. At this time, he no longer thinks that his partners will not put enough soul and cause itself to bite. He must be successful. Otherwise, how can he resist the earth force of Long Zu?
Coils of white halo burst out from Ji. He put Chen Sixuan’s hand on his left shoulder and handed it to his partners at the same time through soul force.
On Ji Dong’s left are Chen Sixuan, Mimiao, Akin and Blue Bao Er, while on his right are Yao Qian, Wolf God, Du Xiner and Du.
There are four people on each side. Chen Sixuan takes Ji Dong’s shoulder with his left hand and Ji Dong’s shoulder with his left hand. Then he takes Ajin Ajin and Blue Bao Er. Finally, the blue Bao Er connects Chen Sixuan, and the other side is also connected according to the five elements.
Ji Dong’s doubt has become the core of two cycles, and nine people have formed a double-cycle situation. Ji Dong’s soul force surface is urging and chaotic forces are guiding the mutual cycle to be completed in an instant.
As it turns out, Ji Dong’s worry is that the redundant heavenly saints no longer need to worry about Thaksin. At the same time, the double cycle of nine people and ten attributes has been completed. At the same time, the five elements of Yin and Yang have reappeared on their own. The light of the ten color masks is less powerful than before. Re-covering the heavenly saints and the secret will also isolate the horrible sound of Di Longzu.
At this moment, a vigorous voice began to say, "Are you angry about the respect of Long Zu?"

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