武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 Of course, in front of so many people, he wasn’t ready to go back on our word and looked at the flurry team not far away. Several people saw that they were staring at themselves with a smile. Shanlong simply put his heart on the stage. wait for a while walked over and took out the amplified headset when he came to the game. He said to the audience, "I overreached yesterday and provoked the flurry team. I didn’t expect their strength to be so strong. I apologized yesterday and I was a pig …"

Of course, in front of so many people, he wasn’t ready to go back on our word and looked at the flurry team not far away. Several people saw that they were staring at themselves with a smile. Shanlong simply put his heart on the stage. wait for a while walked over and took out the amplified headset when he came to the game. He said to the audience, "I overreached yesterday and provoked the flurry team. I didn’t expect their strength to be so strong. I apologized yesterday and I was a pig …"

After that, he slammed his headset to the ground and didn’t want to stay in this hellhole for a moment. At this time, he wanted to go back to his mother’s arms and get some comfort.
Leave it to a few people outside the venue to watch the game through live broadcast. The China audience is messy in the outside wind …
Taiwan’s Wu Teng even felt ashamed to stay in this place. Anyway, the first game was already out, and it was meaningless for them to stay here again. They left the stage with a sullen face in front of the 20,000 China audience.
"Well, it is said that this day people pay more attention to honesty, so it seems that it is ….." Sitting in Taiwan, the backhand party and the Tianya team shook their heads in human language, and the bleak samurai team sighed.
And at the moment, the audience also thought of Xiaoxi’s words before, and they couldn’t help laughing.
"Wow ha ha! These days, it’ s a shame to throw it at my grandmother’ s house. If you want to win our players in our country, isn’ t that looking for abuse! "
"Yes and yes, but the most interesting thing is just that little apology in Taiwan, hahaha! Presumably he was ashamed for a long time. "
"Uh-huh! Sister Xiaoxi said before that these two teams have a beautiful agreement, which is really good! "
"Ha ha! This agreement is really quite’ beautiful’ … "
The samurai team confrontation finally came to an end, and the three-to-one victory of the flurry team came to an end. For this result, the audience in the country naturally had nothing to say. They knew very well the strength of the flurry team and knew what the team wanted to get in the hands of the flurry team that day. It was insane.
Then the next day, the game was a match between Group A Mad Team lis Team and Group B Tianya Team Dian Wei Brake!
For the two teams in Group A, the audience is naturally familiar with the Mad Warrior Team. This guild with the strongest speed mode, which has long been famous in the country, also showed its talents during the one-month tour. Although the semi-final mining mode is classic these days, the audience knows that several people in the Mad Warrior Team have achieved the same accomplishments in the classic mode. It is expected that they will be as devastating as the high-speed team defeating the samurai team when facing the foreign team from South Korea …
Mm-hmm If the berserker team wants to do this, then our country’s team will defeat the two major national teams with its strong strength! I’m afraid it will make people feel happy when it is said.
Ha ha! This b can be installed for at least one year!
However, the difference between the optimism of the audience is that several people in the flurry team are worried about the game between the two teams from the bottom of their hearts …
Sure enough, after an afternoon game the next day, the result of the battle between the madness team and the lis team really hit a three-to-one!
However, this score belongs to the madman team, and the winner is the lis team that everyone never expected before!
655 Chapter 655 Lis is beginning to show its glory!
This result was obviously unexpected by most of the audience.
The reason for this result is not that a few people in the berserker team are not strong enough to play a bad role. In the last game, Zhang Yan, the captain of the berserker team, ran a distance of 100,000 meters in the classic mode track! But even so, I still lost to this mysterious team from South Korea …
It is obvious that this South Korean team is not like the dish B-Day team, but a few of them are out-and-out cool runners!
In the afternoon of the next day, the Tianya team in Group B played against each other in an instant, and naturally Tianya team won.
Although Dian Weisha Guild has long been a well-known team in China, Cui Ping can run out of more than 100,000 meters in the dazzling flying mode, but in this competition with reference to the classic mode, they are still beaten by a three-to-one regret.
What makes Mo Tianyuan feel interesting is that the only winning game is actually Ye Xuan’s small win, which makes Mo Tianyuan think of the scene when he just met Ye Xuan a year ago. It seems that it is not unreasonable for Dian Wei Brake to send Ye Xuan to participate in the Super League. In this dazzling flying mode, Ye Xuan’s classic mode level doubt can be said very strongly.
With this record, Mo Tianyuan expected that when Ye Xuan was in the guild, Cao Baoliang and his two brothers would not dare to bother him again, because after all, Ye Xuan did well in these two months, not only defeated Xie Xiaofeng once in the tour, but also won a victory point from Tianya team in the tour to save some dignity of the temple.
On the other hand, Cao Baoliang seems to have never won since the tour and the high wind team game …
Full of hope, but still being beaten by Tianya team by three to one, it seems that several people in the Temple Wei Brake Association have long expected that Yu Xi, after all, is the chief cool running god of the three countries. How can his team not be strong? Team theory is Cui Ping, or Yin Xuejian, Ye Xuan’s acceptance of failure is also calm, and you can’t see any depressed expression. There seems to be some frustration in Cao Baoliang’s face, but he lost to Tianya Team in the first game, and he himself didn’t open his mouth to talk, so he swallowed his depression.
The semi-final lasted for four days, and it was already halfway through. Two teams from each of the two groups also successfully qualified from the previous two days!
The team that successfully qualified in Group A in the past two days is the backhand lis team!
On the first day, the duel between the two teams in the backhand party Qingfeng Pavilion still impressed many viewers. On whether the backhand party is worthy of the country’s First People’s Association team is Luo Qingtian or Xu Jing, their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary professional players. Among the professional players like Lin, they can still train hard for the cool running track by virtue of their own research. I have to say that people are amazed at this strength, and they also have a point of admiration for this strong people’s team.
The lis team gave several people a big shock in the confrontation with the mad devil team yesterday! This unknown team from far away from abroad feels so mysterious at present. Although they are simple and low-key, from the point of being able to make a three-to-three comparison with the crazy team, several teenagers in this team are not necessarily idle!
There is no doubt that the two qualifying teams in Group B are the Blast Team Tianya Team.
In the next two days, these two qualifying teams will compete for the qualification of the final finals!
The third day of the eye-catching game came crashing down!
Backhand party! Against the lis team
The theory of which of these two teams makes several audiences crazy about their strength in the competition! But on the third day of the game, before 7 o’clock in the morning, the lucky audience had already occupied 20,000 seats on the scene, as if they were worried that someone else would grab their fixed seats …
"Which team do you prefer in this game today?"
Before the game, the page had already talked about the outcome of the duel, and this topic was obviously what the audience wanted to know most at present, so many people scrambled to say, "That must be a backhand party!" After all, it is our national team and their strength is obvious to all. "
"But the strength of the lis team is not weak. It’s terrible to think about the strength of the madman team yesterday …"
"But how do you say backhand party is the country’s top classic model people’s association? It is said that people in this association can run 90,000 meters with the worst strength! You said that this kind of strength is simply too fate, so how can the team lose? I think even the flurry team and they are right, the odds may not be great. "
"Yes, the backhand party strength is suspected to be enough to crush the vast majority of professional players. In this case, the hope of winning the lis team today should be small? Ah ha ha! That would be great. After all, the backhand party is our national team. It would be ugly to say that we lost to foreign teams in our own country! "
"That’s right, that’s right. Let’s expect the backhand party to win the game today!"
"That must be!"
Everyone expects the backhand lis team to finally pull the curtain.
However, everyone didn’t think that even the strength of the backhand party guild was still defeated by the lis team after four or five hours of competition …
Three to one!
The backhand party was beaten by the lis team by three to one!
In the only winning game, Luo Qingtian, the captain of the backhand party team, won. He first let two players play and touch the bottom of the lis team, but he didn’t realize that things were not good until the two players knelt down in the first two games …
The team from South Korea was surprised. At the same time, he took the third Korean player. Although he won a game, he knew that the player he won was not the strongest one in the lis team.
When he walked out of the competition seat, he glanced at the captain of the lis team, but only to find that the man just lifted his eyelids.
The indifferent expression surprised Luo Qingtian. He knew that there was a mockery in the man’s indifferent eyes …
Even better than yourself in front of the dark-haired young captain of South Korea, it can be regarded as a blind eye!
Chapter 656 How can you escape if you don’t beat you?
This result is obviously that Luo Qingtian did not expect that he knew that he still underestimated the strength of this Korean team …
At this moment, he finally said a word, there are people outside the world.
The failure of the backhand party team not only surprised the audience, but also shocked the people of the flurry team. They knew in their hearts that the lis team was still as strong as before, and they seemed to be synonymous with unbeaten kings.
And they came to China this time to participate in this game, which is like smashing a field!
Ignored Taiwan’s losing the game, and several people in the backhand party team led the four young people of the lis team slowly to the stage by the dark-haired young man. However, they did not directly leave the audience’s confused sight, but they went straight to the front of several people in the flurry team …
"Old friends, we meet again …"
That man is soft-spoken, and several people know that this is Li Zhonghe, the captain of the lis team, who is enough to make the world’s campaigners fear the competition!
At the same time, it was in the game he led two years ago that the flurry team regretted losing.
A few people didn’t pick up the words. They knew that this Li Zhonghe must have something to say. Sure enough, seeing his eyes slightly narrowed, he continued, "You must qualify for the finals. If you don’t beat you once, it’s really annoying …"
The provocative words in femininity echoed faintly in this small room. Although not many people heard these words, they were enough to make all those who heard them feel frightened.
Imagine which team can say confidence in front of several members of the flurry team and beat them?

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